On April 4, 2023, the city stage of the Republican contest "Abai Okulary" was held. Congratulations to the student of the 10th "A" class Tuleubai Aruzhan (head Dosbaeva A.S.) with the 3rd prize place!!! Well done!!!
Congratulations to the student of the 2nd "B" class Ospanova Adela (teacher Kirkhmaer L.V.) and the student of the 3rd "B" class Bagitzhan Mansur (teacher Zhivalyukova N.N.), who took 2nd place following the results of the city competition of calligraphic writing "I write beautifully". Clever guys! Keep it up !!!
On March 6, the city stage of the republican contest "Abishev readings" was held on the basis of the KSU "Gymnasium School No. 28 of the Department of Education of the city of Kostanay" UOAKO. A student of the 8th "A" class Toymanova Leila (head Ermenova B.S.), in the direction of "Drawing illustrations from the works of Abish Kekilbayev" took the 3rd prize. Well done! Congratulations!!!
In the first days of March, a competition of research papers "Young researchers: a look into the future" was held at the Kostanay branch of the Chelyabinsk State University. Congratulations to the student of the 10th "B" class Tokmagambet Nuril (head Knyazev R.N.) with the 2nd prize in the scientific forum. Well done!
On February 24, 2023, on the basis of KSU "Gymnasium named after S. Maulenov of the Department of Education of the city of Kostanay", the II (city) stage of the competition "Altyn Saka" was held among students of grades 3-4 of schools in the city of Kostanay. Congratulations to the student of the 4th "D" class Levchenko Gleb (head Tarasenko I.Yu.), who took 3rd place in the mathematical competition! Well done!!! We wish you new victories!!!
On February 28, 2023, on the basis of our school, history teacher, teacher-researcher Svetlana Pavlichenko conducted a training on the analysis of tasks on the history of Kazakhstan for 8th grade students of schools in Kostanay, who took part in the city round of the Olympiad for grades 7-8. The methodologist of the city center "Daryn" Isetova B.K. and the participants of the training thanked Svetlana Alexandrovna for the fascinating and informative training. We thank Svetlana Alexandrovna for the quality of the training!!!
On February 24, 2023, on the basis of our school, a city calligraphy competition for students of grades 2-4 "I write beautifully" was held.
The purpose of this competition is to consolidate the skills of literate, calligraphic writing, writing text in accordance with the requirements.
The winners of intra-school calligraphy competitions were allowed to participate in the competition. 97 students of Kostanay took part in the competition.
The little contestants were met in the lobby by cartoon characters who, motivating the children to succeed, gave them souvenirs as a keepsake. The winners will be determined based on the results of the competition.
We thank the primary school teachers of SHG No. 18 for their help in organizing this event.
On February 23, 2023, on the basis of our school, English teacher, teacher-master Konarbekova Maue Konuspaevna conducted a training for 8th grade students of schools in Kostanay who participated in the city round of the Olympiad for grades 7-8. The students worked very fruitfully. We thank Maue Konuspaevna for the quality of the training!
Congratulations to the 4th grade students on winning the city stage of the Multimedia Festival :
1st place - student of the 4th "B" class Gurak Kirill;
2nd place - student of the 4th "D" class Levchenko Gleb (head Knyazev R.N.).
Well done! We wish you achievements and victories in the regional stage!
In February, the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of Kostanay Regional University named after A.Baitursynov held a Republican contest of research papers on the history of Kazakhstan among students of grades 8-11 "Topical issues of historical science through the eyes of young researchers". Congratulations to the 10th grade student Silvanovich Evelina (head Daurenbekova A.B.), who took 3rd place in the nomination "History of Kazakhstan". Well done!!!
From February 14 to February 16, 2023, the school stage of the city competition "I write beautifully" was held among primary school students. It was attended by 19 students of grades 1-4. According to the results of the voting, the second stage was completed by:
student of the 2nd "B" class Ospanova Adela,
student of the 2nd "B" class Bagitzhan Mansur,
a student of the 4th "B" class Tanasheva Ayim.
Well done! Congratulations and we wish you success in the second stage of the competition!
Congratulations to the 11th grade student of Saks Alexandra (head of Rogozhina T.A.), who took 3rd place in the subject of geography in the Regional stage of the Republican Olympiad in general subjects among students of grades 9-11. Well done! Congratulations!
Congratulations to the student of the 7th "A" class Santayeva Moldir (head of Borambayeva A.B.), who took 3rd place in the city stage of the republican contest "Yasauitanu". Well done! Congratulations!
On 08.02.2023, a Regional scientific and practical conference was held at the KSU " FML OO G.Kostanay".
Congratulations to the winners:
2nd place - 4th grade student Danialov Abylai (head Torsunova - Usenova A.S.);
3rd place - 5th grade student Baytaev Bekzat (heads Ozhanova B.E./ Ibraeva A.S.);
3rd place - 10th grade student Usenov Sanzhar (head Dosbaeva A.S.);
3rd place - 10th grade students Sultanbekov Islambek, Syzdykova Zhansaya ( head Borambayeva A.B.).
The result is 100%.
Well done!!!
From 30.01. to 03.02.2023, the city stage of the Republican Olympiad in general education subjects among students of grades 9-11 was held.
According to the results of the Olympiad, Congratulations on the prize-winning 3rd place:
9th grade student Selyukina Taisya (head Iskenova A.E.);
11th grade student Saks Alexandra (head Rogozhina T.A.);
9th grade student Botsulyak Ilya (head Morgacheva L.I.);
9th grade student Maistrenko Daria (head Tulebaeva A.G.).
Well done!!!
Congratulations to Borambayeva A. B. and a student of the 7th "A" class Santayeva Moldir, who took 3rd place in the city competition "Zhansugurov readings".
Well done!!! Congratulations!!!
According to the protocols on the results of the Olympiad among students of grades 7-8, 5 prizes out of 19 participants:
2nd place - Eltaev Ali (head Konarbekova M.K.); Besshtanin Dmitry (head Asylkhanova G.A.); Temirbai Miras (head Pavlichenko S.A.).
3rd place - Kiev Katerina (head Koltsova T.M.); Vladislav Krivoshchapov (head Skrypnik Yu.N.). Kuttyktaymyz!!! Well done!
Congratulations to the team of students of grades 8 and 11, the head of Melekhova V.S., with the 2nd prize in the REGIONAL stage of the competition "The Best school scientific society of students".
Kuttyktaymyz!!! Well done!!!
On December 12, 2022, the city intellectual and educational game "Brainbox" in English was held among students of grades 2-4. Teams from 11 schools took part in the game. Our school was represented by the "Never give up" team: 2nd grade student Ospanova Adele, 3rd grade student Eshchenko Avdey; 4th grade student Biryukova Alice, who won 2nd place following the results of the game. Congratulations to the team and the head of Alkaubaeva S.K. Well done!!! Keep it up !
According to the results of the city round of the Republican Olympiad in general education subjects among students of grades 5-6:
2nd place in the subject of English was taken by a student of the 6th grade Murzataeva Malika (teacher Vasilenko T.V.);
3rd place in the subject "Kazakh tili zhane adebiet" was taken by a student of the 6th grade Dosmailova Aruzhan (teacher Seitkhan A.S.);
3rd place in the subject of the Kazakh language in Russian classes, was taken by a student of the 6th grade Yaroslav ( teacher Sergazina Z.D.).
Well done! Kuttyktaymyz!!!
According to the results of the city stage of the regional competition of research works on physical culture and sports among students of grades 7-11:
2nd place was taken by a student of the 11th grade Magambetov Alisher (teacher Utigenov E.B.);
3rd place was taken by a student of the 7th grade Moldashev Artur (teacher Akhmadulin R.A.).
Well done! Congratulations!!!
On October 27, the city stage of the Republican contest of research papers and creative projects "Zerde" for students of grades 2-7 was held. Congratulations to the winners:
2nd place - 3rd grade student Zhaksylyk Ayzere (head Amirgalieva M.M.);
3rd place - 3rd grade student Muktarova Ameli (heads Abdrakhmanova K.M. Nashkenova Sh.M.); 4th grade students Mokienko Platon, Kartamysheva Alice, Shmyrina Yasmin (head Kuzhubaeva Zh.B.); 4th grade student Zhanybekuly Murat (head Imanbaeva S.S.); 4th grade student Levchenko Gleb (head Tarasenko I.Yu.)