Akhmetova Aisulu Talgatovna
Work experience: 8 years
Qualification: teacher-expert

Recommendations for parents:
Dear parents!
Daily guidelines are required in the speech therapy group. Without your help, a speech therapist will not be able to solve correctional and developmental tasks, will not overcome the lag in the speech and general development of the child.
You receive a notebook with a task on Friday, and on Monday bring it to the group. On weekends, you do all the tasks of a speech therapist: do articulation and finger exercises, pronounce words, sentences, or learn a poem to automate the delivered sound. Speech material for fixing a particular sound can be spoken not only at home, but also on the way to kindergarten or on a walk.
Articulation and finger gymnastics should be done together with the child and the adult himself, expressively pronouncing the text and giving a pattern for performing movements.
Important! Fix the delivered sound daily and monitor its correct pronunciation in the child’s independent speech, if the sound is automated in the poetic text. If the sound is only set or automated in words and sentences, then in independent speech the child cannot pronounce it correctly.
On weekends, do your homework in the morning. You need to do it at the table, and do articulation exercises in front of a mirror.
Together with the child, find the necessary pictures on this lexical topic, cut and paste them, providing the necessary assistance, and not doing the task for him.
Do not complete all tasks at once. It is better to practice several times for 10 - 15 minutes.
When dealing with a child, do not be upset yourself and do not upset the baby if he does not cope with the tasks.
What gymnastics does your child need
Conduct this test: ask the child to show the tongue. Pay attention to the following signs:
the child cannot stick out and fix the tongue on request,
can stick it out only partially and quickly pulls it back,
cannot lift it up or shake it from side to side,
when the tongue is raised, the lower jaw rises with it,
protruding tongue begins to tremble or deviate to the side,
there is profuse salivation,
the child does not clearly pronounce several groups of sounds at once (hissing, whistling, sonorous),
the pronunciation of not only consonants, but also vowels is impaired (the pronunciation is averaged, there is no clear difference between the sounds).
If several of the listed signs are observed, then, most likely, the child, in addition to consulting a specialist, needs passive gymnastics and speech therapy massage. In the complex, they will prepare the baby's speech apparatus for active articulatory gymnastics, make it possible to produce sounds.
It is better to learn about passive gymnastics from a speech therapist during a consultation. The fact is that violations can be different, there are no universal exercises that would suit everyone. Only a specialist can explain which methods will be most effective in each case.

General principles of articulation gymnastics
Regularity. This means that five minutes of daily exercise will be more beneficial than one hour of gymnastics once a week.
game form. Articulation gymnastics can be not only useful, but also a fun activity for the baby.
visibility. The more analyzers (vision, hearing, touch) are connected when performing exercises, the more effective gymnastics is. How to achieve visibility? You can use a mirror in which the child will see his reflection. The adult himself, sitting opposite the baby, can act as a model for performing movements. Use pictures, videos with other children doing this gymnastics. Find out by experience what suits your child more, what motivates him more.
Convenience. Gymnastics should be done in a comfortable position: the back is relaxed, the hands lie calmly, the head has support. The child should be comfortable.
Gradual complication. Try the easiest exercises first, gradually increasing the difficulty. Each time, enter no more than one new exercise, and only if all the previous ones have already been worked out well.
Expediency. If the child copes with all the exercises very easily, it is worth considering whether he needs this gymnastics at all. After all, the main task of these exercises is to learn how to do what is not very good at the moment.
Correct attitude. It should not be considered as a panacea, it is just one of the methods.
Gymnastics techniques
These exercises of active gymnastics, aimed at statics or dynamics, you can easily master yourself. Each pose is held for 5-7 seconds, repeated several times.
"Pipe". Lips should be folded into a tube and stretched forward as much as possible.
"Fence". We explain that you need to smile in such a way as to show your teeth.
Alternating exercises "Pipe" and "Fence".
"Rabbit". It is necessary to lift the upper lip to slightly open the incisors.
"Evil Horse" It is necessary to depict the snorting of a horse. Forcefully exhale air through the mouth without opening it. At the same time, the lips will begin to vibrate.
"Piglet". Need to pull out lips with a tube, and then with closed lips rotate in a circle in different directions.
"Horse". The child should click his tongue, voicing the clatter of hooves.
"Fungus". The tongue is tightly applied (attached to the sky) and held in this position.
"Harmonic". Keeping the tongue in the "fungus" position, you need to open / close your mouth several times.
"Pop the ball." The cheeks puff up, then the child should lightly hit them so that the air comes out.
"Hamster". First, both cheeks are inflated, then the right and left alternately.
"Fish". The cheeks are retracted and held in this position.
"Shovel". A relaxed tongue should be placed on the lower lip (without sticking out).
"Needle". The narrow tongue protrudes as far as possible.
"Watch". Open your mouth and alternately touch the left and right corners of your mouth with the tip of your tongue.
"Cup". With your mouth wide open, you need to hold the tongue at the top.
"Focus". Raise the tongue to the "cup" position and gently blow on the tip of the nose. You can put a piece of cotton on the tip of your nose.
"Delicious jam" The upper lip is licked with a wide tongue (you can lick real jam).
"Painter". We draw the tongue across the sky in the direction from front to back (from the teeth to the throat). You can tell the child that the tongue is a paint brush that paints the sky.
"Brushing our teeth." The tip of the tongue should be drawn along the upper, and then along the lower teeth from one edge to the other.
"Monkey". Open your mouth slightly and place your tongue between your lower lip and lower teeth. The lips are close together.
"Bulldog". From the “monkey” position, move the tongue to a position between the upper lip and upper teeth. Lips close.
"Circle". The mouth is closed. The tongue moves from the inside, smoothly outlining a circle with the tip of the tongue.
"Sail". The end of the tongue rests on the upper teeth and is held in this position.
"Swing". The mouth opens, and the tongue alternately rises up and falls down.
"Drummer". Smile, open your mouth, put the tongue behind your upper teeth, loudly, distinctly, repeat many times: “D-D-D-”. Gradually speed up the pace, do not bring the teeth together.
"Knead the dough." The tongue rests on the lower lip (as in the “scapula”), while the mouth opens and closes, the lips slap on the tongue.
"Let's bite the tongue." Smile, open your mouth, bite the tip and center of the tongue.
"Where's the candy?" It is necessary to close the mouth tightly, with the tip of the tongue pressing on one or the other cheek from the inside.
"Turkey" ("Chatterbox"). Smile, show teeth, open your mouth, put a wide tongue on the upper lip and make quick movements with the tip of the tongue along the upper lip back and forth, trying not to tear the tongue from the upper lip.
"Steamboat hums." Smiling, you need to bite your tongue and pronounce “s” for a long time.
Do these exercises regularly, but without making them a chore for the child, and you will definitely see progress! And do not forget about other methods of speech development.

Finger gymnastics
Articulation gymnastics