Republican Olympiad in general education among students of grades 5-6:
🥇 1st place - student of the 6th "B" class Diana Chumerina, head - English teacher Yulia Nikolaevna Skrypnik;
🥉 3rd place - student of the 6th "B" class Rabiga Jabaeva, head-teacher of Russian language and literature Ortner Anzhelika Yuryevna💐!
🥉 3rd place - student of the 6th "G" class Gumbatov Elmin, head-biology teacher Bukubaeva A.R.💐!
Kuttyktaymyz 💐 💐💐!!!
Congratulations to the winner of the city stage of the Regional creative competition of author's poems dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Aliya Moldagulova:
2nd place - 9th grade student Asylkhan Ayim, head - teacher of the Kazakh language and literature Ermenova Botagoz Sansyzbaevna!Kuttyktaymyz 💐 💐💐!!! Zharaisyndar👍!!!
Congratulations to the winner of the regional Olympiad in psychology among students of grades 9-11 of schools in Kostanay and Kostanay region:
🥉 3rd place - student of grade 11 "B" Zaremba Karina, head - teacher-psychologist Voropaeva Natalia Viktorovna💐!
Kuttyktaymyz 💐 💐💐!!!
Congratulations to the winners of the zonal intellectual game "Scrabble" among students of the 3rd grades of high schools in Kostanay:
🥉 3rd place - students of the 3rd grades Malarov Demid, Sokolova Adelia, Bokanenko Kirill, Dneprovskaya Valeria, Yusupov Amir,
team leader - Nurmagambetova Anna Dmitrievna💐!
Kuttyktaymyz 💐 💐💐!!!
Congratulations to the winners of the city calligraphy competition among students of grades 1-4:
🥉3rd place - the student of 3 "A" class Nurzhan Nrcat, head of primary school teacher Bozjigitov Gulbadin Bertaina💐;
🥉3rd place - student of 4 "A" class Truly Korkem, head of primary school teacher Amirgalieva Meruert Meiramovna💐!
Titis 💐 💐💐!!!
Congratulations to the winner and prize-winners of the Regional scientific-practical conference of students them. So Dauletbaeva:
🥇1st place - student 5 "A" class Mendybaeva Sabina, heads - teacher of the Kazakh language and literature Kashkanova Sholpan Maksutovna💐 Abdrakhmanova Karlygash Moldalieva💐;
🥈2nd place - student of 9 "G" Safikhanov Ruslan, heads of computer teacher Drabchuk Anastasia.lysenkova💐 mathematics teacher, Mukhtar Amir Mukhtarovich💐;
🥉3rd place - student 5 "A" class Artina Anarchos, the head - teacher of the Kazakh language and literature Sergazina Senegal Jumadilova💐!
Titis 💐 💐💐!!!
Congratulations to the winner of the Regional stage of the Republican Olympiad in general education subjects among students of grades 5-6:
3rd place - Diana Chumerina, a student of the 6th "B" class, the head is Yulia Nikolaevna Skrypnik, an English teacher!
Congratulations to the winner of the city multimedia festival of school projects: 1st place - 9th grade student Safikanov Ruslan, head of computer science teacher Drabchuk Anastasia Alexandrovna! Kuttyktaymyz!!! Zharaisyndar!!!
Congratulations to the winners of the city stage of the Republican Olympiad in general education subjects among students of grades 7-8:
2nd place - student of the 7th "A" class Dosmailova Aruzhan, head teacher of the Kazakh language and literature Seitkhan Assel Seitkhanovna;
2nd place - student of the 7th "B" class Murzataeva Malika, head - English teacher Vasilenko Tatyana Vladimirovna;
2nd place - 8th grade student Santayeva Moldir, head teacher of Kazakh language and literature Borambayeva Aigul Bisembaevna;
3rd place - student of the 7th "B" class Abidzhanova Dilnaz, head teacher of Russian language and literature Makusheva Elena Gennadievna;
3rd place - student of the 7th "B" class Daria Pegaleva, head-biology teacher Almira Muratovna Mironets;
3rd place - 8th grade student Vladislav Krivoshchapov, head English teacher Yulia Nikolaevna Skrypnik!
Kuttyktaymyz 💐 💐💐!!! Zharaisyndar 👍!!!
Congratulations to the winner of the city stage of the Republican Olympiad "Altyn saka":
🥉3rd place - student of the 3rd "A" class Zhumagali Aisha, head - primary school teacher Bozzhigitova Gulbagdat Birtaevna!!
Kuttyktaymyz!!! Zharaisyndar!!!
Congratulations to the winner of the regional competition of research works of schoolchildren with special educational needs:
🥈2nd place - a student of the 3rd "D" class Grigoriev Savely, heads of primary school teachers Isataeva Almagul Kanapyanovna, Tarasenko Irina Yuryevna! Kuttyktaymyz 💐 💐💐!!! Zharaisyndar!!!
Congratulations to the winners of the city stage of the regional integrated Olympiad among students of grades 1-4:
2nd place - 4th grade student Avdey Eshchenko, head Natalia Nikolaevna Zhivalyukova;
3rd place - student of the 3rd "A" class Zhumagali Aisha, head - primary school teacher Bozzhigitova Gulbagdat Birtayevna;
3rd place - student of the 2nd "B" class Maria Trichik, head of primary school teacher Larisa V. Kirchmaier;
3rd place - student of the 3rd "A" class Bayakhmetova Aisha, head Amirgalieva Meruert Meiramovna!
Kuttyktaymyz!!! Zharaisyndar!!!
Congratulations to the winners of the city stage of the National Geography Olympiad, 8th grade students
- 2nd place - Damir Ismagulov;
- 3rd place - Dmitry Besshtanin, head - geography teacher Lyudmila Iosifovna Morgacheva!!!
Congratulations to the winners of the city stage of the Republican Olympiad in general education subjects among students in grades 9-11:
- 2nd place - student of the 9th "B" class Eltaev Ali, head - English teacher Konarbekova Maue Konuspaevna;
- 3rd place - student of the 9th "B" class Bychkovskaya Daria, head - mathematics teacher Zubko Elena Fedorovna!
Congratulations to the winners of the city stage of the Republican Zerde Competition and their leaders: 2nd place - Thanatar Asylzhan (head of Omarova A.B.);
2nd place - Anastasia Kondrashova ( head Bugubaeva A. R.);
2nd place - Selingaan taymas (head torsunova - Usenova A. S.);
3rd place - Baitayev Bekzat (heads Kuatbayeva A. S./ A. A. Drabchuk);
3rd place - Mendybaeva Sabina ( heads Kashkanova S. M./ K. M. Abdrakhmanov).
On January 30, 2024, the city intellectual and educational game "Vrainbox" was held. Our team of students in grades 3-4, in their league, took 1st place!!! Congratulations to the head of the English language teacher S.K. Alkaubayeva and the students:
Aileen Sataeva, 3D class;
Eshchenko Avdey, 4th grade;
Bagitzhan Mansur, 4th grade.
Kuttyktaymyz!!! Zharaisyndar!!!
Congratulations to the leaders and winners of the Baurzhan Okulary competition: A.Tusova and 5th grade student Mendybaeva Sabina in the nomination "Zhas ulgishi" - 3rd place; Asylkhanov G.A. and the 8th grade student Kloppertants Herman in the nomination "Zhas operator" - 3rd place.
Congratulations to the student of the 11th "A" class Tuleubai Aruzhan (head of Zhakina T.U.) with the 1st prize in the city competition "Mariyam okulary", in the nomination "Mariyamsha zhyrlaimyn".
According to the results of the city stage of the Republican Olympiad among students of grades 9-11, congratulations to the heads of the winners: Eltaev Ali, 9th grade - 2nd place; head Konarbekova M.K., Bychkovskaya Daria, 9th grade - 3rd place; head Zubko E.F.
Congratulations to the winners of the city stage of the Republican Zerde Competition and their leaders:
2nd place - Thanatar Asylzhan (head of Omarova A.B.);
2nd place - Anastasia Kondrasheva (head of Bukubaeva A.R.);
2nd place - Sheshingarin Taimas (head of Torsunova - Usenova A.S.);
3rd place - Baytaev Bekzat (heads of Kuatbayeva A.S./ Drabchuk A.A.);
3rd place - Mendybaeva Sabina (heads of Nashkenova Sh.M./ Abdrakhmanova K.M.).
Congratulations to the head Morgacheva L.I. and the students of the 8th grade Damira Ismagulova - 2nd place; Dmitry Besshtanina - 3rd place in the city stage of the national Geography Olympiad, which was held today at secondary school 23.
Well done!