Competition for the vacant position: vacant positions:
- mathematics teacher (1 permanent rate)
- art teacher (2 rates)
- Russian language teacher (1 rate)
-speech therapist (for the period of maternity leave)
qualification requirements, professional, secondary specialized or higher education in the relevant
specialty terms:
Acceptance of documents from 08/07/2024 to 08/16/2024,
consideration of documents from 08/19/2024-08/21/2024,
meeting of the commission on 08/22/2024
more >>>

Competition to fill a temporarily vacant position:
-speech therapist teacher
qualification requirements, professional, secondary specialized or higher education in the relevant specialty the deadline for accepting
documents is from 03/12/2024-03/20/2024,
consideration of the received packages of documents on 03/26/2024-03/28/2024.
meeting of the competition commission on 03/29/2024.
more details>>>

Competition for vacant positions:
vacant positions:
1. Art teacher (boys) with proficiency in the state language (1 permanent rate)
2. Teacher of the Kazakh language and literature (temporarily vacant - maternity place) qualification requirements: professional, specialized secondary or higher education in the relevant specialty deadline for receiving documents: 04.10.2023-13.10.2023, consideration of received packages of documents 14.10.2023-18.10.2023, meeting of the competition commission 19.10.2023.

Competition for vacant positions:
- a teacher of art work with proficiency in the state language (1 permanent rate)
qualification requirements: professional, specialized secondary or higher education in the relevant
specialty deadline for receiving documents: 12.09.2023-20.09.2023
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2 competition for vacant positions
- mathematics teacher with proficiency in the state language (1 permanent rate, 1 temporarily vacant rate)
- senior counselor (1 position temporarily vacant)
deadline for receiving documents: 08/21/2023-08/28/2022
more detailed<<<


Competition for the vacant position:
1) KSU "Gymnasium School No. 18 of the Education Department of Kostanay city " of the Education Department of the Akimat of Kostanay region, 110000 Kostanay city, Altynsarina str., 1, 8(7142)508328, shg18@kst-goo.kz
2) vacant position of mathematics teacher for the period of maternity leave.
3) qualification requirements, professional higher education in the specialty: mathematician, mathematics teacher.
4) deadline for receiving documents: 29.03.2023-07.04.2023
5) a list of documents according to the rules of acceptance of Order No. 25349 of November 24, 2021, Chapter 3,P1,;
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Competition for the vacant position:
1) KSU "Gymnasium School No. 18 of the Kostanay City Education Department " of the Education Department of the Kostanay region Akimat, 110000 Kostanay city, Altynsarina str., 1, 8(7142)508328, shg18@kst-goo.kz
2) vacant position counselor.
3) qualification requirements, professional higher education in the pedagogical specialty.
4) deadline for receiving documents: 17.02.2023-27.02.2023
5) a list of documents according to the rules of acceptance of Order No. 25349 of November 24, 2021, Chapter 3,P1,;
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Competition for the vacant position:

1) KSU "Gymnasium School No. 18 of the Kostanay City Education Department " of the Education Department of the Kostanay region Akimat, 110000 Kostanay city, Altynsarina str., 1, 8(7142)508328, shg18@kst-goo.kz
2) vacant position of technology teacher.
3) qualification requirements, professional higher education in the specialties "Technology", "Fine Art", "Drawing"; in the subject "Graphics and design" – with a diploma in the specialties: "Fine Art", "Drawing".
4) deadline for receiving documents: 19.01.2023-25.01.2023
5) a list of documents according to the rules of acceptance of Order No. 25349 of November 24, 2021, Chapter 3,P1,;
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Competition for the vacant position:
1) KSU "Gymnasium School No. 18 of the Kostanay City Education Department " of the Education Department of the Kostanay region Akimat, 110000 Kostanay city, Altynsarina str., 1, 8(7142)508328, shg18@kst-goo.kz
2) vacant position of English teacher, for the temporarily vacant position of the main employee. 3) qualification requirements, professional higher education in the specialty "Foreign language, two foreign languages";
4) deadline for receiving documents: 06.01.2023-16.01.2023
5) a list of documents according to the rules of acceptance of Order No. 25349 of November 24, 2021, Chapter 3,P1,;
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Competition for filling a vacant position as of 06.10.2022:
1) KSU "School-gymnasium No. 18 of the Education Department of the city of Kostanay" Department of Education of the Akimat of Kostanay region, 110000 Kostanay city, Altynsarin street, 1, 8 (7142) 508328, shg18@kst-goo.kz
2) vacant position of an English teacher;
3) qualification requirements, professional higher education in the specialty "Foreign language, two foreign languages";
4) deadline for documents acceptanceAnchor: 18.10.2022-25.10.2022
5) a list of documents in accordance with the rules for accepting order No. 25349 dated November 24, 2021, Chapter 3, P1;
Paragraph. 107. A person who has expressed a desire to take part in the competition, within the deadlines for receiving the documents specified in the announcement, sends the following documents in electronic or paper form:
1) an application for participation in the competition indicating the list of attached documents in the form in accordance with Appendix 10 to these Rules (Appendix below);
2) an identity document or an electronic document from a digital document service (for identification);
3) a completed personal sheet for personnel records (indicating the address of the actual place of residence and contact numbers - if any), according to the attached form (form below);
4) copies of documents on education in accordance with the qualification requirements for the position, approved by the Standard Qualification Characteristics of Teachers;
5) a copy of the document confirming labor activity (if any);
6) a health certificate in the form approved by the order of the Acting Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 30, 2020 No. ҚР ДСМ-175/2020 "On approval of forms of accounting documentation in the field of healthcare" (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under No. 21579);
7) a certificate from a psycho-neurological organization;
8) a certificate from a narcological organization;
9) a certificate of the National Qualification Testing (hereinafter referred to as the NCT) or a certificate of the qualification category of a teacher-moderator, teacher-expert, teacher-researcher, teacher-master (if any);
10) a completed Evaluation sheet of a candidate for a vacant or temporarily vacant position of a teacher in the form in accordance with Appendix 11 (Appendix below).
1. The candidate, if available, provides additional information regarding his education, work experience, professional level (copies of documents on advanced training, awarding scientific / academic degrees and titles, scientific or methodological publications, qualification categories, recommendations from the management of the previous place of work).