Dear parents!
From April 1 to August 31, 2024, applications for the first grade are accepted in all educational institutions. Documents are accepted in accordance with the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 12, 2018 No. 564. (Appendix 1) The list of basic requirements for the provision of public services: "Acceptance of documents and enrollment in educational organizations, regardless of departmental subordination, for training in general education programs of primary, basic secondary, general secondary education", via the web-EGOV Electronic Government portal.KZ, as well as through the electronic portal "SAKURA".
The application on the portals is signed with the electronic digital signature of the parents or other legal representatives. Dear parents, please note that the gymnasium school has gymnasium classes and general education classes. Due to the changed rules of admission to the 1st gymnasium class, we do not have the opportunity to determine the professional assessment of the level of knowledge and psychological readiness of children to study in the gymnasium class. When making a choice in favor of teaching your child in a gymnasium class, you need to understand and objectively assess the child's readiness for the academic load, which is complemented by a gymnasium component. Your child is a future first grader. His academic success is the interaction of a child, a teacher, and a parent. Dear parents, make an informed choice for your first grader, focusing on the child's capabilities.
Appendix to the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 24, 2020 No. 264 Appendix 1 to the Model Rules for Admission to educational Organizations implementing general educational programs of primary, basic secondary and general secondary education Standard of public service: "Acceptance of documents and enrollment in educational organizations, regardless of departmental subordination, for training in general education programs of primary, basic secondary, general secondary education"